The Creation of Pelsall History Centre
Fourteen years ago in 2001 the Pelsall Civic Society was informed that Pelsall History Group had finished.
2002, Pelsall Civic Society at a meeting decided to approach Walsall council and Gary Bird, Chief Executive of Manor Farm Community Association Rushall, (lessee) of Pelsall Annexe, a semi derelict building in Church Road Pelsall, which was rarely used, with plans of creating Pelsall's own history centre, it was agreed but we would have to find the money to refurbish the Annexe to bring the building back into public use.
So it was agreed to form a partnership Pelsall Civic Society, Manor Farm CA and WMBC.
2002, Pelsall Civic Society And Manor Farm CA applied to the National Lottery Awards For All and Landfill Tax Scheme and was granted £20000, Manor Farm put in another £7000, this was sufficient to start the refurbishment and new ceilings, lighting, carpets, fire doors, roof/ flashing and redecoration was quickly completed, and the big room was opened and is now used by several groups providing a wide range of services to the village residents.
The proposed History Centre (the front classroom) still needed additional funding to provide Alarm, worktops, cabinets, extra electrical points and additional security.
In December 2003 the civic society with the support from all three local schools applied to local company Ibstock Cory Environmental Trust which is part of the Landfill Tax Scheme for £12300 and the civic society put in £1000 it raised from the 2003 new years eve family celebration, we were successful and work stared on the final stage refurbishment, it was completed in October 2004, in the mean time the civic society put out an appeal to the village residents for material on Pelsall past and present the response was very good with one large donation from the recorder from the now finished History group.
After several weeks collating and putting wall displays up, it was decided to have a small unveiling ceremony led by society members, on Monday 29th November, and opened to the public on Saturday 4th December 2004.
If anyone would like to donate, or let us copy old photographs, or give us details of family history, of growing up in Pelsall, so that others may get an insight of both Pelsall past and present, please contact us on 01922 691021.
Pelsall History Centre Opening Times
Saturday......12 Noon - 4.00pm